What I’ve Learned at 32



H&M Dress | Jean Jacket (old) | Steven Madden Shoes

This year I have embraced my birthday more than any other. Why? Because I have changed my perspective of how I look at life. There are five definite things that I know at 32.

1.       Let It Go- I am a Taurus which means I’m STUBBORN. I have a hard time letting things go.  Whether its papers, clothes, habits or relationships, if I’m comfortable with it then I’m trying to keep it. What I have learned is that when I keep things in my life that are not serving me, I hinder my personal growth.  The vision of the woman I want to become won’t come true if I don’t let go of things as soon as they stop serving me well.

2.       Live a Life of Gratitude- For years I have kept a gratitude journal. I found that I was writing it but I wasn’t living it. I would write that I was grateful for my car, but it would be a mess. The true demonstration of gratitude is through your actions.

3.       Get Uncomfortable- For me this goes along with learning to let it go.  Letting go equaled discomfort for me.  My fear was if I let go of things, then I wouldn’t have it when I “needed” it. The truth is that when you do let go, the things you truly need will appear.

4.       Live by Faith- I am learning not to live by sight. Like most people I have lived life according to my current situation, but I have learned that my current situation has no value on who I am or what I will become.

5.       I Am Worthy- I am my own worst enemy because of the recording that I’ve played in my own head. It is that constant negative conversation that I’ve learned to change. I’ve learned that my perception of myself was very far from the truth. I had to learn how to use affirmations to change my negative dialogue.

I am excited to see where 32 is going to take me. I’ve let go of all expectations. I’ve embraced what is to come. I know that I have am surrounded by love, wealth and happiness. So here’s to 32!
